Together...Better than we could alone...
teamCOPC was formed after three COPC pediatricians rode in the inaugural Pelotonia in 2009. Dr. Lee Budin, Dr. Jen Campbell, and Dr. Mike Perry had a vision that COPC could play a big role in this effort.
From our beginner educational sessions and fundraising events to our weekly group training rides, teamCOPC embodies the spirit of teamwork—no one rides alone on this team!
This commitment reflects the core tenet of the Pelotonia community: together, we achieve far more than we ever could alone.​
Anyone can join teamCOPC as a rider, volunteer or challenger
If you haven't yet registered for Pelotonia...
You can add teamCOPC during your Pelotonia registration process. When asked to join a peloton, select teamCOPC from the dropdown list. Note that "teamCOPC" has no spaces, so it will appear at the bottom of the pelotons beginning with the word "team". Click here to register for Pelotonia!
If you are already registered for Pelotonia without a peloton affiliation...
You can login to your Pelotonia profile and click Edit Profile. Change your peloton association. If that option does not appear, send us an email via the Contact page. Please make sure to include your Pelotonia Public ID (Rider number), and we'll get you added to the team.
If you are already registered with a different peloton...
We never want to break up a good thing, but if you think you've found your happy place with teamCOPC, begin by sending an email via the Contact page and asking to be removed from your current peloton. You can also contact your current peloton captain if you prefer. From that point, you can follow the preceding guidance to be added to teamCOPC.
In loving memory of one of teamCOPC’s cofounders, Lee Budin
For those who didn't know the history, teamCOPC was co-founded in 2010 by three COPC pediatricians, Drs. Lee Budin, Jen Campbell and Mike Perry, after the group had ridden in the inaugural Pelotonia the year before.
Lee rode for several years before retiring from clinical practice to pursue administrative leadership roles in Chicago, and later in Texas. Lee was a dear friend, colleague and excellent leader.
Unfortunately, the very battle we ride for became a battle for Lee as well, as he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in November 2020. In October 2022, after spending his final 2 weeks on a bucket list trip with some of those closest to him, Lee passed from his cancer.
In Lee's honor, and in remembrance or support of so many others, we continue to ride. #EndingCancer #GameOn